In an alternate universe only slightly different from our own, we find L. Frank Baum's beloved Wonderful Wizard of Oz characters, Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, Tin man and the Scarecrow, unwarily co-existing with 50's newlyweds Bruce and Janine, or for that matter: traveling through the same forest. At the same time! Following the very same road! (You know: the goldish, yellowish one...). Naturally, a merry band of circus freaks prancing around with a girl who's brain is over the rainbow and panicky driver giving his lusty, busty fiancée the eye when he should be keeping his eyes on the road can only result in an automobile accident in which the Tin Man and the Scarecrow sadly find their untimely deaths and Bruce and Janine find their car in a desperate need of the Triple A…


And thus the world's only 'two for the price of one musical' is off to a shaky start, or for that matter: a 'rocky' start.


Seeking shelter from the rain they mistakenly assume the creepy castle that has a light on, to be the Emerald City; the place where the Wonderful Wizard resides. Upon reluctantly entering the castle however, they find themselves in the midst of its, seemingly stuck in a 7O's horror show completely out-of-control residents and their cross-dressing schizopath, schmitzopath Fritz A. Live who is, if anything, clearly not as sweet as advertised...


Needless to say: none of these characters should ever have met, but now that they have, they quickly find themselves thinking things they never thunk before. Oh, if they only had a...


If only Bruce had a silky dress like Dorothy's, if only Fritz could get hold of a brain, If only the Lion could get courage in exchange for services, that shall remain unmentioned, rendered. If only Dorothy actually wasn't as feeble-minded as she looks. if only Janine could do the Jiggly Jive with… well anyone.


What more lies in store for them, or for that matter, in store for you? Nobody knows.

But it can’t be good… or can it...